General Data Protection Regulation
We process personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. We use the information, including personal data, supplied by you in your application, as part of the process of assessing grant applications, monitoring the use of grants and publicising grants that we have made.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, we require your consent to use personal data supplied by you in the processing and review of your application. This includes transfer to, and use, by such individuals and organisations as The Trust deems appropriate.
Any person, including suppliers and consultants, applying to work with The Oglesby Charitable Trust, consents to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.
Privacy Policy
The Oglesby Charitable Trust holds details on organisations that apply to it for financial support. It requires, as part of this process, to have a named contact within the organisation and an address, including an email address and telephone number. In addition to the named contact, we sometimes ask for the names of Trustees and other responsible people within applicant organisations. If you include personal information in your application, you are responsible for confirming you have the written agreement and permissions of any individuals identified to pass on their information to The Oglesby Charitable Trust. It holds this information purely to process grant applications. It will correspond, throughout the life of the grant and reporting period, with the named lead contact for applicant organisations but only to process that grant, make payments, request reports, and maintain the relationship between grant recipient and the Trust. As part of the assessment of your application we will share information we hold with our Trustees and other Trust personnel.
The Oglesby Charitable Trust does not currently distribute targeted marketing material and will only contact you for what we believe to be a legitimate interest (for example, to send newsletters). It does not share information with any other third parties other than for processing grant applications. The Trust will continue to hold the contact name associated with a grantee organisation after the period of grant aid is over, but only for archiving purposes. It does not process this contact information. Where grant proposals are declined funding, the application will be deleted from our system after 3 years. By applying for a grant, you accept that we will hold your name on our grants management system, Salesforce, but will use it only to process your grant application and for archiving purposes.
What are Cookies and Why do We Use Them
Cookies are a standard Internet technology, and many major web sites use them to provide useful features for their members. Cookies allow us to store and retrieve login and other information on a user’s system. They provide us with data that we can use to improve our service to you. Cookies themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s computer. The default setting for most browsers is to accept cookies; if you prefer you can set yours to refuse them. If you choose not to accept cookies you will not be able to take full advantage of.
What Happens if we Make a Change to This Policy?
We may update our privacy policy from time to time. We suggest that you check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any updates.
How You Can Contact Us
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this website or your dealings with this website you may get in touch with us through the Contact Us page.